Detailed Specifications Data
Use this if you have a configuration to receive detailed specifications powered by Jato.
You can follow the steps outlined below to receive your detailed specifications payload.
Using the Detailed Specifications API and Vehicle Search endpoints with the Jato parameter requires a commercial agreement between you and Jato. The agreed catalogue data is then served via AutoGrabs APIs on this endpoint. The content of the response will depend on your specific plan with Jato. For details on accessing this API, please contact AutoGrab.
Lookup the rego while including the
Lookup the detailed specifications using the ID you got from your lookup
Search For The Vehicle
Supported Methods
Registration Search
VIN Search
Text Search
Example Workflow
In this scenario, we will use a text search to request the ID.
You would form your CURL
And receive the following response
If you would like to receive additional lower confidence matches to power your UI you can enhance your request with our prefer_more_results
Receiving a "total" greater then one is not an issue if you confidence also recieved is "standard". This means that there are potential variants with nuanced differences available. Select the first one as the list is ranked by confidence.
Consider leveraging this feature in your user interface with a user input request. For example, “Is this the correct vehicle?” then allow the user to correct it with the additional results in this array.
Consider halting the process if your "confidence" is not "standard." This means the IDs returned are more likely to be incorrect. In this scenario, you have generally not given the text-matching system a detailed description enough to make a confident match. Consider using a registration lookup to enhance the detail available from the matcher.
A registration lookup is a separate commercial agreement from the general detailed specification agreement. Speak to your account executive to understand your options.
Request Detailed Specification
Now that you have isolated the Jato Code or AutoGrab ID you can request the Detailed specs.
Branding Requirements
If you use the Detailed Specifications on a dealership website, you are required to display a "Powered by JATO" and accompanying logo, as below. You can download a high-definition version here.
Example Workflow
To request detailed specs use the Jato Code or AutoGrab ID you received from the earlier vehicle discovery step.
You will receive your pre-defined detailed specification payload. An example response is below.
The response you receive will be defined by the configuration we store for you based on your specific business case. This applies to the inclusion of particular items as well as the inclusion of the "type".
The standard Website Specification pack includes the following categories and counts of included items.
Last updated
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