Valuation Predictions

Generate market accurate predictions for vehicles.


The Valuation API can be used to determine the present retail & trade values, as well as the residual values of new vehicles.

This API requires authentication and an appropriate license attached to it.

To use the API, a Vehicle ID returned from the Vehicle Search API or Vehicle Facet API is required.



To retrieve a Vehicle ID, use the Vehicle Search APIs.

Starting with a vehicle ID post it to /v2/valuations/predict

    "region": "au",
    "catalogue": "autograb",
    "vehicle_id": "5804870883868672",
    "kms": 30000,
    "condition_score": 2

The condition score is optional and can be used to further refine your pricing prediction.

The Catalogue field is optional and will default to 'autograb' and the vehicle ID for performing a valuation. If you have access to Jato catalogue information, 'jato' can be passed as the catalogue and a JATO ID as the vehicle_id. The valuation will then be performed using the JATO information.


    "success": true,
    "prediction": {
        "id": "a2955915-9611-40ef-8b98-b827dad76ff4",
        "vehicle_id": "5804870883868672",
        "kms": 57306,
        "price": 20622,
        "score": 0.9239,
        "retail_price": 20622,
        "trade_price": 17122,
        "adjustment": null

Pricing ID

The payload returned by price prediction requests will include an ID, which you can use to refer to the pricing request in the future. The /v2/valuations/history/{PRICING_ID method will return the response from a previous pricing request, and you can also use the Pricing ID to track price changes with the Price Changes API, if licenced.

To get a paginated list of all your previous price predictions, you can use the /v2/valuations/history endpoint.

Condition Score

By supplying a condition score, you can manipulate the trade_price returned by the prediction endpoint. The condition score can be between 1 and 5. A condition of 1 being poor condition and a condition of 5 excellent condition.

Supplying any other numbers will return the default trade_price which assumes excellent condition.

If you're building a user interface where you allow the user to choose a condition it is recommended you follow the industry standard in the table below.

ConditionCondition Score











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